Privacy Policy

Important notice to all Visitors

Pursuant to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) concerning the protection of natural persons in relation to the processing of personal data, we hereby inform you that you will be requested to provide your identity and contact data (your name, surname, nationality, document number and type e-mail and phone number). Consequently, in accordance with Art. 13 GDPR, Nuovo Pignone International S.r.l., with its offices in Via Felice Matteucci, 2 - 50127 Firenze, Italy, as the controller pursuant to Art. 4 no. 7 GDPR informs you that:

  1. The data to be processed are collected directly from you as our visitor.
  2. The purposes for which the aforementioned personal data will be processed are your registration as a visitor and the administration of your visit at the Nuovo Pignone premises as well as our building security. The processing of your personal data is therefore carried out to perform a contract to which you are a party based on Art. 6, para. 1, let. b) GDPR, to comply with legal obligations concerning the security of the companies’ premises based on Art. 6, para. 1, let. c) and in order to protect our legitimate interests to identify the visitors of the premises in order to protect the building, its facilities and its workers based on Art. 6 para. 1 let. f) GDPR.
  3. Personal data in respect of the data processing concerned herein may communicated inside or outside the EU/ EEA (see point 4) to the following recipients:
    • Public administrations for execution of the institutional functions within the limits established by the law and by the regulations.
    • Business belonging to the same group (controlling companies affiliates and associated companies, including directly held companies in accordance with current provisions of law).
    • External software houses called to provide services to the company Nuovo Pignone Spa.
    • Businesses supplying facilities and services.
    • External organizations in order to attend to fulfilment of all duties required to allow the person concerned access to the organization inside and outside Italy where the person concerned must go and/or stay.
  4. Your personal data may be transferred to recipients established in a third countries outside the EU/ EEA. As far as such transfers take place, Nuovo Pignone ensures that:
    1. Such transfers of personal data to third countries only take place in accordance with Art. 44 - 49 GDPR.
    2. We have taken all appropriate measures to guarantee your personal data will be handled in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR and the D. Lgs. 101/2018, as well as our Baker Hughes Data Protection Standards and any Baker Hughes policy related to personal data.
  5. Under the GDPR, you can request information about your personal data stored by contacting the above-mentioned address. You may also request that your data be corrected or deleted under certain circumstances. You may also have the right to restrict the processing of your data and to have the data you provide disclosed in a structured, common and machine-readable format. If you have any concerns or questions regarding data protection about the processing of your data, please contact our data protection team at However, in case you want to complain to the supervisory authority, you can contact the supervisory authority of your habitual residence, your place of work or the competent supervisory authority for our company.
  6. You also have the right to object to the processing if the processing is based on a legitimate interest in case you can prove an overriding interest of yours.
  7. We will store your personal data for no longer than necessary for administering your visit and maintaining our building security. However, we may be required store your personal data if otherwise required by law.
  8. Please be informed that if you do not provide us with the requested information and contact details, we may refuse to grant access to our premises.